On April 23, 2021, Prince Edward Island (PEI) announced new measures for people travelling to or from the island. New travel restrictions will be effective from April 24, and in place until at least May 17, 2021. According to new regulations, anyone who has been in Nova Scotia since April 16, 2021, with a same-day travel self-isolation exemption, will have to be tested on day 4 and day 8 following their return to PEI. Same-day travel exemptions will be limited only to necessary travel. PEI also paused travel for seasonal residents coming to PEI from the Atlantic Provinces until May 17, 2021. Work and study permits for people who are going to reside on the island permanently will continue to be issued. Effective Monday, April 26, all PEI resident registered truck drivers, rotational workers, transport crews, military, and coast guard must isolate until the first negative test. PEI currently has 12 active COVID-19 cases